College, Smollege (How to Save $$$$)
I'm trying to find a bright spot here. Over and over and over I ask former students how they employ the wonderful knowledge they accumulated in college, and invariably the answer is "not at all."
These are students for whom $50,000 or more of public and private money was spent, and they are telling me that it was a waste. Can this really be true? Well, perhaps not entirely. There are the intangibles: meeting people, learning some time management, figuring out how to pretend to be grown up. But there are other ways to get those things.
The reason most people give for going to college is that it is the only way to qualify for a decent job. So, it comes down to a piece of paper - the diploma. OK - thought experiment. If you pay $50,000 for a well-equipped Chevy Tahoe, at least you get something very tangible that you can use immediately and continue using for the next five to ten years. When you spend the same money for a college diploma, you have no real guarantee of anything except that you are enabled to seek a job from the small subset of companies that actually hire college graduates right out of college. Perhaps you have co-op'ed, which, in some fields, such as engineering, gives you a much better chance of landing a good job. Many employers tell me (a) they don't hire students who didn't co-op, and (b) they care much more about the co-op supervisor's report than about the student's grades. Hmmm. Bells ringing. How about skipping the "don't care" part and get right to the useful part. There is a term for this - "apprenticeship." It used to be quite popular in all walks of life, and still is the norm in noble and well-paid professions such as plumbing, electrical work, and similar trades. In most professional disciplines, this is practiced as well - medicine, nursing, pharmacy for example. In those arenas, the classes tend to be focused on things one really needs to know to be successful and/or to avoid killing people. This is not a "university education" in the classical sense. It is really a glorified vocational education.
Sadly, the most enthusiastic students in most colleges are the youngest ones. I would love to see seniors who are full of excitement and enthusiasm, ready to harness their hard-earned knowledge; brimming with ideas - sorry to leave the university, but glad to be moving on. Instead, I see mainly burned-out shells of the excited freshman that came in four-ish years ago. They have learned how to take shortcuts, cheat, cut classes, copy homework. They have figured out, in short, how to play the system to get the diploma and the grades with the least amount of work.
I have generally seen little relationship between grade point average and qualities of people I would be inclined to hire if I were running a company or a not-for-profit. Some of the high-GPA students are certainly excellent, but so are quite a few of the low-GPA students. A lot of the high-GPA students I wouldn't want anywhere near my lab, and I don't believe they could produce a practical system if it jumped up and built itself and stood in front of them and said "here I am."
The pickle we are in is a direct result of the GI Bill that Congress enacted (with good intent) to handle the huge inrush of servicemen coming home after WWII ended. The problem was that there were not enough jobs for these returning GI's. Congress' solution was to give them free or greatly reduced cost college tuition so that they could go to college while the economy adjusted. The problem is that the economy did adjust, but not in the intended way. Universities saw the GI Bill as manna from heaven. Their enrollments surged, and the tab was being picked up by the U.S. Government. Accountability and standards naturally declined, and enrollments surged even further. Quickly, the college diploma replaced the high-school diploma as the "must-have" ticket to employment.
That's pretty much where we are now, except that costs have increased so much that families are burdened with heavy debt, as are graduating students, just to earn that precious piece of paper.
As I said, I'm looking for a bright spot. I think I've seen a glimmer of it just around the corner. Online education is starting to get respectable, and more employers are begining to take note. Traditional universities are developing strategies for online delivery that still involves face-to-face meetings with teachers, lab exercises, paper tests, and much of the look and feel of a traditional classroom experience. I have a feeling that market pressure will continue to encourage this. Yes, there is something "special" about going off to college, but if we are honest, it has very little to do with learning. My recommendation (maybe 10 years from now) - get a degree online, and meanwhile, go to a third-world country and help people, join an adventure club, volunteer, read, learn a musical instrument, and fall in love.
Excellent article! This is pretty much spot. I dont think I know a single guy in my senior level EE courses that is "fired up" about learning any more. Just ready to get out and earn a living. Although ive never had a class under you, only lab 2, i hope im not one of those students you wouldnt want anywhere near your lab! Haha
8:49 PM
The intangibles are real. I'll never forget the gross anatomy lab or the astronomy class... the new cultures I experienced... the classes I took because they were taught by such an interesting professor. I'll never forget the extremely useless classes or the essay exams or the freshman help center... or the getting to know some professors personally. I won't forget being struck when my mom bought me a candy bar when I returned home on vacation with the fact that she had been doing that my entire life-- buying things for me that I wanted or needed-- and I had hardly noticed before-- not until I was paying my own way and learning the correlation between hours worked and paycheck earned.
I won't forget the practice rooms or the smell of the leaves in the fall or the variety of philosophies and pursuits people chose-- or the friends I made.
I won't forget the professor's comments on my papers... or the teachers who let me try out lessons in their classes... or the life lessons I learned about myself and others during that time.
Sometimes I need some encouragement... and when I do, I go watch the JV boys basketball team practice. They run and sweat and run some more while being yelled at. They drill and drill and drill. Unlike the varsity team (which has settled into a comfortable lope down the court), the JV team is hungry to learn, to improve, to move up, to be noticed by talent scouts-- or just to have fun doing a sport they love.
I tell my students who are on the JV team that I love to see them sweat... and I want the same kind of hustle in my classes. I want them to "run the ball and block the opponent" in the same way they do in practice as they write or read (metaphorically speaking).
I agree with you that college can be a time of unrestrained immaturity... but that is why we prepare them before they get there.
I read recently that the Hebrew word for educate comes from the same root as the word "Chanukah" (dedication). Learning takes dedication-- a love that helps one overcome challenges.
If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
Teach your daughter how to learn for herself and not to wait for others to feed it to her slowly. Teach her she is loved no matter what-- teach her to bow down to her Creator and look up. Teach her that life is more than about amassing money, toys, and pleasure. Teach her she is here for "such a time as this."
I think what you are seeing is more the erosion of vision than the devaluing of education.
A wise man once said, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Another (better) translation says, "Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint."
I think the upperclassmen you see from day to day have the larger problem of no real vision. They are tired already of a rat race that tells them stuff equals personal value and importance.
What they really need is an encounter with the One who created everything they see and don't see. They need imagination and humility, accountability and a direction that is larger than themselves.
Then you will see lives full of life, for He "makes His ministers a flame of fire."
In a world which has largely lost the wonder of the universe, help them see it. Help them thirst.
A diploma will open doors so that they CAN give their gift to the world.
That is worthwhile.
9:16 PM
Pam - I think a lot of my frustration comes from knowing that college has become the most dangerous place for a Christian. The "marketplace of ideas" is so heavily skewed toward secular humanism that students who come in as Christians are not likely to leave that way. If they don't actually abandon their faith it will be often be seriously weakened. Auburn is among the few bright spots in that there is still considerable acceptance of Christians among the faculty and students, but even here I have watched this support erode and become more of an enclave over the past couple of decades. I agree with you about all the great things I can remember about college, but they pale in significance when I think about the grievously sinful physical and thought life I lived with the blessing and encouragement of my "support structure" - fellow students and most faculty. I would rather see a lot more students pursue vocational training through institutions especially devoted to that. There is still a place for comprehensive university education, but only one in a hundred or fewer of current college students might be suitable candidates for it. I think to qualify, one should not be doing it mainly for the purpose of getting a job upon graduation. It should be considered a luxury rather than a necessity. A side benefit of this approach is that it would probably destroy college football as an institution (but maybe replace it with polo).
10:15 PM
I wish I had read this before I had Prof. Martin.
-- but I was glad to read it later. College helped me relate to people from many backgrounds other than my own-- and to hear the unspoken cry of their hearts.
I highly recommend this book for study by believers. It is also the basis of the changes in literature and art over the centuries for a person wishing to understand the humanities.
8:27 PM
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